Notes |
- N:1 Imprint | Legal Notice
N:1.1 Editors
N:1.2 Editorial Team
N:1.3 Design
N:1.4 Editing
- N:2 Authors
- N:3 Reiseuni.lab
- N:3.1 Founder
N:3.2 Workshop Responsible - N:4 Students
- N:4.1 Class-01 [2010-2012]
N:4.2 Class-02 [2011-2013]
N:4.3 Class-03 [2015-2017] - N:5 Participating Universities
- N:6 Support
- N:6.1 Individual Supporters
N:6.2 Co-Funding & Scholarships of Institutions
N:6.3 Assistance 2010-13 - N:7 Copyright Notice
- Privacy Policy
N:1 Imprint | Legal Notice |

[Fig. 01] Reiseuni Report | Content mind map, >>>Table of contents
As the publishers of this work, the members of the Reiseuni_lab with all participating universities and authors, want to encourage the circulation of our work and ideas as widely as possible while retaining the copyright, we therefore have an open access policy which enable anyone to access our content online without charge, anyone can download, save, perform or distribute this work in pdf-format within the European scientific codex of citation of texts, excluding translation, without written permission. This is subject to the condition of (1) the text is not altered and is used in full or quoted within scientific rules; (2) the address is displayed as also the text's author; (3) the work is not resold; (4) A copy of the work or a link to its use online is sent to: >>>Google-Form
Volume: 0_Preface, 2017
Volume: 1_Reiseuni • Pilot Project, 2017
Volume: 2_Theory • Research by Design, 2018-2019
Volume: 3_Workshop-Clusters, 2017
Volume: 4_Making-of • Cycle-3, 2016
Version 0.9.7
ISBN 978-3-00-055521-3
ISBN-A 10.978.300/0555213
Copyright ©2008-2019 by all participating Universities, Reiseuni_lab and Authors.
All rights reserved.
Bibliographic Information:
Jäger, Dagmar (Ed.); Pieper, Christian (Ed.) et al.: Reiseuni Report | The Making of. European Architecture Dialogue. Reiseuni_lab: Berlin, 2016-2019, Vol:I-IV. ISBN:978-3-00-055521-3, DOI:10.978.300/0555213,
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N:1.1 Editors
Dagmar Jäger, Dr.-Ing. Architect, Reiseuni_lab – founder & head since 2008, Berlin.
Christian Pieper, Dipl.-Ing., jp3_Architektur + Gestaltung, Reiseuni_lab co-founder.
with all participating Universities:
Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Brandenburg University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Cottbus; Muthesius Academy of fine Arts and Design, Kiel; Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Department of Architecture; University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Architecture; Berlin University of the Arts, HZT (University Centre for Dance), Berlin; École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Marseille; Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Architecture, David Azrieli School of Architecture; Alvar Aalto Academy, Helsinki; Bauhaus Foundation, Dessau; University of Technology, Wrocław; Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica superior de Arquitectura, Dep. de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas; NB Haifa School of Design, Department of Architecture, Haifa; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture.
N:1.2 Editorial Team
Inken Baller, Prof. em. Architect & Researcher, Berlin - Cottbus;
Chris Burns, M. Arch., Abcarius + Burns, Architect & Teacher, Berlin - Los Angeles, Reiseuni_lab;
Ricardo Carvalho, Prof. Dr. Architect & Researcher, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa;
Dagmar Jäger, Visiting Prof. Dr.-Ing. Architect & Researcher (Brandenburg University of Technology; Tallinn University of Technology);
Rhys Martin, Professor, Choreographer, Berlin University of the Arts;
Christian Pieper, Dipl.-Ing. Arch., jp3_Architektur + Gestaltung, Reiseuni_lab;
Irina Raud, Professor, Architect & Urban Planner, Tallinn University of Technology;
Maria Schneider, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr., Architect, Urban Planner, Author, University Innsbruck.
N:1.3 Design
Christian Pieper, jp3_Architektur + Gestaltung, Berlin
N:1.4 Editing
Text Editing: Inken Baller, Chris Burns, Dagmar Jäger, Christian Pieper;
Final Proof Reading: Online Lingua, Emanuel Binder, Austria
N:2 Authors |
Text contributions and / or Workshop Programmes
Inken Baller, Professor em., BDA Architect, Berlin;
Flavio Barbini, Professor Arquitecto, Lisbon;
Elinoar Barzacchi, Professor em., Architect and Town Planner, Tel Aviv;
Michael Breda, Professor, Dr.-Ing. BDA Architect, Kiel;
Ricardo Carvalho, Professor Doutor, Architect & Writer, Lisbon;
Lenka Cederbaum, Senior Lecturer, Architect, Haifa;
Rainer W. Ernst, Prof.em., Architect and Urban Planner, Berlin;
Ludwig Fromm, Prof. em., Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Architect, Kiel, Berlin;
Anne Groß, Dipl.Ing., M.Sc. in Architecture, Berlin - Tokyo;
Stéphane Hanrot, Professor, Docteur en Sciences, HDR and Architecte DPLG, Marseille;
Dagmar Jäger, Dr.-Ing. Architect & Author, Berlin;
Esa Laaksonen, Architect, Author, Helsinki;
Kaisa Lasner, M.Sc. in Architecture, Tallinn;
María del Mar Loren-Méndez, Professor Dra. Dña., Architect & Author, Sevilla;
Ioannis Lykouras, M.Sc. in Architecture & Civil Engineering, Patras-Tallinn;
Eduardo Magno, M.Sc. in Architecture, Lisbon;
Rhys Martin, Professor and Choreographer, Berlin;
Izabela Mironowicz, Prof. Dr. inż. arch., Architect and Town Planner, Wrocław;
Pille Noole, M.Sc. in Architecture, Tallinn-Patras;
Jose Antonio Pavón González, M.Sc. in Architecture, Architect, Sevilla;
José De la Peña Gómez-Millán, M.Sc. in Architecture, Architect, Sevilla;
Christian Pieper, Dipl.-Ing. jp3 Architecture & Design, Berlin;
Irina Raud, Professor, Architect and Urban Planner, Tallinn;
Ayala Ronel, Professor and Architect, Tel Aviv;
Maria Schneider, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr., Architect, Urban Planner, Author, Innsbruck;
Sebastian Seyfarth, Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc. in Architecture, Berlin - Tokyo;
Horacio Schwartz, Professor, Architect, Haifa;
Marusa Zorec, Professor, Architect, Ljubljana.
Students, published with working results, documentation texts, drawings and photograph:
Students of Class-01, 2010-12 [Vol:I+III]: Üllar Ambos, Estonia | Maria Bello, Portugal | Kenton Card, USA | Kassem Eida, Libanon | Tomás Forjaz, Portugal | Anne Groß, Germany | Elena Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Germany | Hyungi Jung, South Korea | Jaan Kuusemets, Estonia | Kaisa Lasner, Estonia | Erko Luhaaru, Estonia | Ioannis Lykouras, Greece | Eduardo Magno, Portugal | Pille Noole, Estonia | Jose Antonio Pavón González, Spain | José De la Peña Gómez-Millán, Spain | Raiko Reinson, Estonia | Sebastian Seyfarth, Germany | Niklas Thies, Germany;
Students of Class-02, 2011-13 [Vol:I+III]: Nabila Aftab, Bangladesh | Michal Bar-Oz, Israel | Gregor Blisse, Germany | Pierre Bruno Alain Broca, France | Maria Araceli Cuenca Gómez, Spain (2011-2012) | Antje Heymann, Germany | Urbano Jimenez Guerrero, Spain | Juliane Klünter, Germany | Paulina Lopez Ochoa Mijares, Mexico | Pedro Madeira Abrantes Nunes Pedro, Portugal | Melody Mosavat, Iran | Mehdi Nateghi Pamsari, Iran | Benoît Raphael Emile Pastel, France | Goncalo Pinto Basto Calheiros Ponces, Portugal | Asif Iqbal Raiyan, Bangladesh | Carlos Sixte Martínez, Spain (2011-2012) | Marine Isabelle Anne Tillet, France;
Students of Class-03, 2015-17 [Vol:IV]: Henri Joekalda, Estonia | Carolina Pedro, Portugal | Solange Di Rocca, Italy | Anil Sagir, Turkey | Mattia Tempesta, Italy | Elena Ursone, Italy.
N:3 Reiseuni_lab Members |
The Reiseuni_lab is an interdisciplinary and international architectural network that connects experts, cities and institutions to run the research platform European Architecture Dialogue (since 2008) and an international Master's Programme as pilot project (2010-2018).
N:3.1 Founder
Dagmar Jäger, Dr.-Ing. Architect & Author, Berlin, founder of Reiseuni_lab & the European Architecture Dialogue platform (since 2008), invited professor and Master's Programme director from 2009-2012 at hosting University BTU Cottbus, 2013-2017 in same function at Tallinn University of Technology (TUT, TTÜ), jp3 Architecture & Design, Berlin.
Christian Pieper, Dipl.-Ing. Arch., jp3 Architecture & Design, co-founder of Reiseuni pilot project & permanent project-partner of Dagmar Jäger, Berlin.
N:3.2 Workshop Responsible
In alphabetic order of cities, in parentheses academic years of cooperation with Reiseuni_lab, naming responsible, incl. team-partner, at the local institution (the complete teaching team for each workshop is listed in the individual workshop programmes).
Rhys Martin, Professor and Choreographer, Berlin (2010-2017),
Director of MA Solo Dance Authorship (SODA)
Berlin University of the Arts, Universität der Künste Berlin, HZT (University Centre for Dance), Berlin, Germany;
Daniel Ott, Professor and Composer, Berlin, Suisse (2010-2012),
Experimental Music & Music Theatre, Berlin University of the Arts, Universität der Künste Berlin, Faculty of Music, Berlin, Germany;
Anna Anders, Professor and Artist, Berlin, Moving Image (2010-2012),
Berlin University of the Arts, Universität der Künste Berlin, Faculty of Design, Berlin, Germany;
Dagmar Jäger, Dr.-Ing. Architect, Author, Berlin (2009-2012), Visiting Professor & Programme Director of A.S.G. from 2009-2012, Brandenburg University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Cottbus, jp3 Architektur & Gestaltung Berlin;
Jo Achermann, Professor and Artist, Berlin (workshop team-partner 2010),
Chair holder, Brandenburg University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Cottbus, Germany;
Inken Baller, Prof.em., BDA Architect, Berlin (implementation & workshop cooperation 2009-13), Brandenburg University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Cottbus, Germany;
Claudia Perren, Architect, Author, Curator, Dessau (2015-2018),
CEO and Director of Bauhaus Foundation, Dessau, Germany;
Esa Laaksonen, Researcher, Architect and Artist, Helsinki (2015-2017),
Director of Alvar Aalto Academy, Helsinki, actually in sabbatical;
Lenka Cederbaum, Architect, Senior Lecturer, Haifa (2015-2018),
NB Haifa School of Design, Department of Architecture;
Horacio Schwartz, Professor, Architect, Haifa, Tel-Aviv (2015-2017),
NB Haifa School of Design, Department of Architecture;
Michal Baroz, Architect, Lecturer, Haifa, Tel Aviv (2015-2017),
NB Haifa School of Design, Department of Architecture;
Maria Schneider, Univ.-Prof. DI Dr., Architect and Town Planner, Innsbruck (2010-2018),
University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Urban + Regional Design, Austria;
Ulla Hell, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Arch., Architect and University Lecturer, Bolzano-Innsbruck (2012-2018, team-partner of M. Schneider), University of Innsbruck, Founding Partner Plasma Studio;
Wolfgang Andexlinger, Ass.Professor, DI Dr.-techn., Architect an Urban Planner, Innsbruck (2010-11, team-partner of M. Schneider), University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Urban + Regional Design, Austria;
Marusa Zorec, Professor and Architect, Ljubljana (2015-2017),
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, head of the studio;
Rainer W. Ernst, Prof.em., BDA Architect and Urban Planner, Berlin (2009-2017),
until 2013 President of the University
Muthesius Academy of fine Arts and Design, Kiel, Germany;
Ludwig Fromm, Professor, Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Architect, Kiel/Berlin (2012),
Director Spatial Strategies, Muthesius Academy of fine Arts and Design, Kiel, Germany;
Michael Breda, Professor, Dr.-Ing. BDA Architect, Kiel (2012),
Spatial Strategies, Muthesius Academy of fine Arts and Design, Kiel, Germany;
Flavio Barbini, Professor Arquitecto, Lisbon (2010-2013; 2016 team-partner of R. Carvalho),
Director do Departamento, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Departamento de Arquitectura (UAL), Lisbon, Portugal (till 2013);
Ricardo Carvalho, Professor Dr., Arquitecto, Lisbon (2010-2017),
Director do Departamento, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Departamento de Arquitectura (UAL), Lisbon, Portugal;
Stéphane Hanrot, Professor, Docteur en Sciences, HDR and Architecte DPLG, Marseille (2011-13),
Director of phd education, École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Marseille, France;
Pascal Urbain, Professor, Architect and Urban Planner, Marseille (2011-2013, team-partner of S. Hanrot),
École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Marseille, France;
María del Mar Loren-Méndez, Prof. Dra. Dña., Architect, Sevilla (2010-2013),
Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica superior de Arquitectura, Dep. de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas, Sevilla, Spain;
Irina Raud, Professor, Architect and Town Planner, Tallinn (2010-2017),
Director of Department of Architecture & Urban Design, Tallinn University of Technology till 2016, Faculty of Civil Engineering (since 2011), Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, University of applied Sciences (2010-11), Estonia;
Dagmar Jäger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Architect & Author, Tallinn-Berlin (2013-2017), Programme Director of the Master's Programme of European Architecture, Tallinn University of Technology, since 2008 establishing the Reiseuni_lab as founder;
Rein Murola, Professor & Architect, Tallinn (2011-13, team-partner of I. Raud),
Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engeneering, from 2010 to 11 with Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, University of applied Sciences, Estonia; Arhitektuuri- ja urbanistikainstituut.
Katrin Paadam, Dr. Professor of Sociology, Tallinn (2015-2017),
Tallinn University of Technology, Head of Chair of Economic Sociology;
Emil Urbel, Architect, Lecturer, Tallinn (2015-2017),
Department of Architecture & Urban Design, Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering;
Ignar Fjuk, Architect, Visiting Associate Professor, Tallinn (2015-2017, team-partner of I. Raud),
Department of Architecture & Urban Design, Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering;
Anu Juurak, Professor and Artist, Tallinn (2015-2017),
Department of Architecture & Urban Design, Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering;
Ayala Ronel, Professor and Architect, Tel Aviv (2010-2012),
Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Architecture, David Azrieli School of Architecture, Israel;
Elinoar Barzacchi, Professor, Architect and Town Planner, Tel Aviv (201020-12),
Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Architecture, David Azrieli School of Architecture, Israel;
Izabela Mironowicz, Prof. Dr. inż. Arch., Architect and Town Planner, Wrocław (2010-2012),
Director for Studies in Planning, University of Technology, Wrocław (Breslau, Vratislav);
N:4 Students |
N:4.1 Class-01 [2010-2012]
In alphabetic order
Üllar Ambos, Estonia;
Maria Bello, Portugal;
Kenton Card, USA;
Kassem Eida, Libanon;
Tomás Forjaz, Portugal;
Anne Groß, Germany;
Elena Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Germany;
Hyungi Jung, South Korea;
Jaan Kuusemets, Estonia;
Kaisa Lasner, Estonia;
Erko Luhaaru, Estonia;
Ioannis Lykouras, Greece;
Eduardo Magno, Portugal;
Pille Noole, Estonia;
Jose Antonio Pavón Gonzalez, Spain;
José De La Peña, Spain;
Raiko Reinson, Estonia;
Sebastian Seyfarth, Germany;
Niklas Thies, Germany;
N:4.2 Class-02 [2011-2013]
In alphabetic order
Nabila Aftab, Bangladesh;
Michal Bar-Oz, Israel;
Gregor Blisse, Germany (to complete in 2014);
Pierre Bruno Alain Broca, France;
Maria Araceli Cuenca Gómez, Spain (2011-2012);
Antje Heymann, Germany;
Urbano Jimenez Guerrero, Spain;
Juliane Klünter, Germany;
Paulina Lopez Ochoa Mijares, Mexico;
Pedro Madeira Abrantes Nunes Pedro, Portugal;
Melody Mosavat, Iran;
Mehdi Nateghi Pamsari, Iran;
Benoît Raphael Emile Pastel, France;
Goncalo Pinto Basto Calheiros Ponces;
Asif Iqbal Raiyan, Bangladesh;
Carlos Sixte Martínez, Spain (2011-2012);
Marine Isabelle Anne Tillet, France;
N:4.3 Class-03 [2015-2017]
In alphabetic order
Henri Joekalda, Estonia;
Carolina Pedro, Portugal;
Solange Di Rocca, Italy;
Anil Sagir, Turkey;
Mattia Tempesta, Italy;
Elena Ursone, Italy.
N:5 Participating Universities |
In alphabetic order, incl. academic years of workshop-cooperation
Austria | University of Innsbruck (2010-2018);
Estonia | Tallinn University of Technology (2011-2017);
Estonia | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, University of applied Sciences (2010-2011);
France | École National Supérieure d'Architecture de Marseille (2011-2013);
Finland | Alvar Aalto Academy (2015-2017);
Germany | Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (2009-2013);
Germany | Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design Kiel (2011-2013);
Germany | Bauhaus Foundation (2015-2018);
Israel | Tel Aviv University (2010-2012);
Israel | NB Haifa School of Design and Architecture (2015-2018);
Portugal | Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (2010-2017);
Spain | Universidad de Sevilla (2010-2013);
Slovenia | Universidad of Ljubljana (2015-2017);
Poland | Wrocław, University of Technology (2010-2012);
Germany | Berlin University of the Arts / Universität der Künste Berlin, HZT (2010-2017);
N:6 Support |
N:6.1 Individual Supporters
Pilotproject set up support in Germany since 2008 and Estonia since 2014
Jo Achermann, Professor and Artist, Berlin (2009-2010);
Inken Baller, Professor em. Architect, Berlin (since 2008);
Chris Burns, Architect, Abcarius_Burns architects, Berlin/Los Angeles (since 2008);
Karen Eisenloffel, Professor, Engineer and Architect, Berlin (2009-2011);
Rainer W. Ernst, Professor em., Architect, Writer and Town Planner, Berlin (since 2008);
Ingrid Lucia Ernst, Artist in space & literature, Berlin (2011-2012);
Renate Fritz Haendeler, Dr.-Ing. Ministerialrätin a.D., Urban Planning, Berlin (since 2009);
Heike Klussmann, Professor and Artist, Berlin/Kassel (2009-2010);
Nils Krause, Architect BdA, Hammeskrause Architekten, Stuttgart (since 2010);
Sonia Leverd, Dr. Phil. political Scientist, Amsterdam, Ambassade de France (2008-2011);
Rhys Martin, Professor and Choreographer, Berlin (since 2008);
Klaus Rheidt, Professor and Architecture Historian (2010-2012);
Adeline Seidel, Dipl.-Ing. Architect & Urban Planning, Frankfurt (2009-2010);
Melanie Semmer, Dr.-Ing., Architect, Berlin (2008-2012);
Carolin Schönemann, Art Historian, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (2008-2013, 2017);
Yvonne Wahl, Artist and Lecturer, Berlin (2009-2010);
Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt, Professor and Architecture Historian (2009-2011);
N:6.2 Co-Funding & Scholarships of Institutions
First period of 2009-2012, second period 2014-2016
Akademie der Künste Berlin, Co-funding of conferences and round table (2009-2017);
Ambassade de France, Co-funding of round table 2009;
Baltisch-Deutsches Hochschulkontor, Riga, co-financing of European Architecture Dialogue#10 Riga of Reiseuni_lab, 2016;
Bauhaus Dessau, co-funding of workshop in the frame of the 'open-studio-platform' (since 2015);
Berlin University of the Arts, Universität der Künste, HZT Berlin, co-funding of studio space;
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany, student scholarship co-financing, key funding of the pilot project 2009-12 with HSP 2020; Innovationsfond, Erasmus Mobility u.a.;
Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Eesti Kultuurkapitaal, funding of three student scholarships & lecture series of European Architecture Dialogue, Tallinn, 2010-2016;
École National Supérieure d'Architecture de Marseille, France, student scholarship coordination & co-funding of workshop 2012;
Friends of the University BTU Cottbus, Dr. Hermann Borghorst, Chairperson of Friends of the University; ARCUS Planung + Beratung Bauplanungsgesellschaft mbH Cottbus; Gebäudewirtschaft Cottbus GmbH; KSC Kraftwerks-Service Cottbus Anlagenbau GmbH; SIK Steinmüller Instandsetzung Kraftwerke GmbH; Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft "Stadt Cottbus" eG, co-funding of six student scholarships, 2010-2012;
GIZ, Private Sector Development Programme in the South Caucasus on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), inviting Reiseuni_lab members to "Women built", Tiflis 2015;
jp3_Architektur + Gestaltung, Christian Pieper, Berlin; key funding of the pilot project since 2008 as cooperation partner of Dagmar Jäger, co-financing of first year of the pilot-project;
NB Haifa School of Design, co-funding of workshop 2015-2017;
Neufert Stiftung, two scholarships for A.S.G. students from 2010-12;
Région Provence-Alpes-Côtes d' Azur, funding of two student scholarships, 2011-2013;
Studio Emil Urbel, Tallinn, co-financing of ArchitecTours and coordination period;
Studio Raud-Consult, Tallinn, co-financing of coordination period and European Architecture Dialogue (2014-2017);
Studio Arrea Arhitektura, Marusa Zorec, Ljubljana, co-financing of European Architecture Dialogue#8 Ljubljana 2016;
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, key funding second period since 2014, student scholarships & co-funding workshops 2011-17;
Tel Aviv University, Israel, co-funding of workshop 2011;
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal, 5 student scholarships & co-funding of workshops (since 2010) & European Architecture Dialogue#11 Lisbon 2016 (Prof. Doutor Ricardo Carvalho);
University of Innsbruck, Austria, co-funding of workshops 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017 and European Architecture Dialogue#2 Innsbruck 2012 (Prof. Dr. Maria Schneider);
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, funding of two student scholarships, & co-funding of workshops 2011, 2012 (Prof. Dr. Mar Loren);
University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland, co-funding of workshop 2011 (Prof. Dr. Izabela Mironowicz);
N:6.3 Assistance 2010-2017
Simona Cadar, M.Sc., Coordinator A.S.G./World Heritage Studies (2010-11);
Jennifer Rockstroh, M.Sc., Coordinator A.S.G. (2011-13);
Student Tutors A.S.G. between 2009 to 2012:
Anne Mauch, Kay-Alexander Michalczack, Katja Hohmann, Anne Groß, Martin Schröter, Sebastian Seyfarth, Elena Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Kenton Card, Rhea Mahrous, Erko Luhaaru.
Triinu-Liis Looveer, coordinating secretary, Tallinn University of Technology, 2015-2017.
N:7 Copyright Notice |
All material published on Reiseuni Report is the intellectual property of the content providers or authors and is protected by international copyright law. Generally speaking all text is the intellectual property of all authors while images are the intellectual property of the relevant photographers, architects, designers etc., unless otherwise stated.
All intellectual property rights in all aspects of this website, including (without limitation) design, logos, text, graphics, applications, software, underlying source code and all other aspects, belong to the Reiseuni_lab content providers and/or authors.
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